VectorSoft Reports
ARWordReport & ARExcelReport
Delphi & C++Builder components

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18 feb 2016
ArExcelReport version 2.4
24 jan 2016
ARWordReport version 2.3 - магазин софта


ArExcelReport 2.4
Main changes:
     + Excel 2013 SP1 compatibility
     ~ COUNT(<#dataset.*>) rendering when there are no SUM(<#dataset.field>) tags in template
     ~ Large images handling
     ~ OLE image format support in TDataset (e.g. images from Access and "Northwind" database)
     ~ Inserted images now does not not overlap parent cell borders
     ~ Datetime values rendering improved inside tables
     ~ Rendering of tables with unicode, memo and large strings (>254 chars) accelerated
     ~ KeepServiceExcelInstanceInMemory property setter fixed
     ~ Internal refactoring
     + New MSSQL demo application

ARWordReport 2.3
Main changes:
     + Delphi 10 (Seattle) package
     + New refactored demo report with charting
     ~ Word window forced to come foreground on report show under all OS versions
     ~ SaveDoc method fixed
     ~ <#REPEAT:dataset> tag fixed
     ~ Page header/footer rendering fixed

ARWordReport 2.2
Main changes:
     !~ critical change: OnGetTXTValue event removed. Use OnGetFieldValueForRender instead. Now it is handle table fields rendering too
     + ANSI string fields rendering for East and Asian languages improved (now it is possible to convert it to unicode string by using ARWordReportPerfom.StringToWideString function with custom codepage value within OnGetFieldValueForRender handler)
     ~ Unicode fields rendering improved
     ~ fix: TemporaryPath value assignment from parent report during REPFOR and InsertReport
     ~ minor internal refactoring

ARExcelReport 2.2
Main changes:
     ~ Date/Time fields rendering improved
     + "KeepRowH" switch added to <#table:dataset> tag. Used to temporary override KeepRowHeights property value.
          Use "1", "Y[es]" or "T[rue]" string for "True" and other strings for "False".
          It should be semicolon-separated with "Filter" switch.
     + "MergeV" switch added to <#table:dataset> tag. Used to merge cells with equal values vertically. Contain comma-separated list of affected columns (dataset field names)
     ~ SaveDoc method changed:
          procedure SaveDoc(AFileName: string; AFormatToExtension: Boolean = True);
          if AFormatToExtension = True then file format choosed according to AFileName extension else the current document format will be used for save (note: this behaviour may be tweaked by Office group policy)
     ~ Images now downscaled inside table (inside <#table:dataset> markup area) to keep row heigth untouched when KeepRowHeights=True

ARWordReport 2.1
Main changes:
     ~ Text format loss near SUM(<#dataset.field>) tag fixed
     ~ TGraphicField rendering fixed
     + Document Text Form Fields rendering.
          [Text Form Field]s "Format" property now may be used to store Field content rendering template.
          So now it is possible to put user-friendly text in Form Field in report template while put real markup
          in "Format" property.
          '<#*' prefix may be used instead of '<#' there to transform Form Field into text in rendered document.
          This may be useful for end-user-friendly report designers implementations.
     ~ "There are too many spelling or grammatical errors in Document ..." message preventing
     ~ Document processing speed improved
     + TemporaryPath property
     ~ Word 2010 Trust Center -friendly default temporary path
     + Automatic RTF content detection in BLOB fields
     + Delphi XE package

ARExcelReport 2.1
Main changes:
     ~ Date/Time fields rendering improved
     ~ Unicode fields rendering fixed
     ~ Delphi 2009 and higher string fields rendering fixed
     ~ Fixed multiple data fields rendering inside single cell
     ~ Extra unused empty columns in final report removal
     + TemporaryPath property
     ~ Excel 2010 Trust Center -friendly default temporary path
     + Delphi XE package

ARWordReport 2.0
Main changes:
     + Text-contained shapes processing (previously only "texbox" shapes was affected by processing)
     + InsertPictureFromFile function
     ~ Speed-up for dataset field values processing (including <#txttable:> area)
     ~ MS Word fields ([SEQ], [ListNum] e.t.c.) automatic update (refresh) at final document processing step
     ~ Smart image detection in BLOB fields
     ~ Each image (from BLOB values) are scaled down to fit in parent shape
area when placed inside shape (textbox, shape e.t.c.). All images placed
directly on main document canvas or inside tables are scaled
automatically by Word.

ARExcelReport 2.0
Main changes:
     + TemplateFormatUpgrade property. Set to True to overcome 65535 rows limit while use old-format (.xls) templates with Excel 2007 and higher
     + graphic fields rendering
     + unicode fields rendering
     + long string&memo fields rendering in tables
     + KeepServiceExcelInstanceInMemory property (for templates processing acceleration and isolation)
     !~ critical change: OnGetTXTValue event removed. Use OnGetFieldValueForRender instead.
     !~ critical change: <##dataset.field> tag type (with doubled #) removed. Now unicode field values detected automatically.
     ~ fixed small bug related conditional formatting handling below tables (in v1.9 such formatting was propagated to extra cells when table has a few rows)
     ~ fixed SaveDoc method (from now workbooks will be saved in its current format)
     ~ equal row heights in table when KeepRowHeights = False
     + Delphi 2010 package
     + additional examples

ARExcelReport 1.9
version published.
Main changes:
      + support of tables with more then 65535 rows when use .XLSX file as template (Excel 2007)

ARWordReport 1.9
version published.
Main changes:
     + BDS 2009 (Delphi 2009) version included in package
     + <#REPEAT:dataset> <#/REPEAT:dataset> tag added (good for "mail merge" reports)
     ~ Bugs fixed (orphan temporary files with Word 2003 and higher)
     ~ Accelerated processing of templates wich contains many shapes (pictures e.t.c.)
     + KeepServiceWordInstanceInMemory property (for template processing acceleration)
     + NeedUngroupShapes property (to process grouped text frames)

ARExcelReport 1.8
version published.
Main changes:
     + BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006) version included in package
     + property MaxSheets - maximum number of processed sheets (replaces MAX_SHEETS constant)
     + New value for CodePage property: maxword- Automatic codepage detection (maxword=65535)
     + function GetSysCodePage. Returns system default codepage
     ~ fixed OnTag event handling: ARExcelReport.Excel.Selection now pointed to cell that contains tag
     + procedure InsertPicture(APicture: TPicture);
     + procedure InsertPictureFromFile(AFileName: string);
     ~ fixed <#SPLIT> tag processing while using it outside tables with enabled OnTag handler
     ~ fixed "Selection is too large" Excel message while processing big tables
     ~ fixed %ELSE block processing
     + property OnNeedSaveDatasetToXLS: TOnNeedSaveDatasetToXLSEvent
ARWordReport 1.8 version published.
Main changes:
     + BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006) version included in package
     ~ SaveDocToStream fixed and accelerated
     + header/footer processing using OnTag event
     + TWRDatasets.Add( ADataset: TDataset; const AName: string ): TWRDSItem;
     + TWRDatasets.GetDsByName, FindDsByName, Datasets
     ~ internal clipboard usage refused
     ~ faster <#txttable:> tag processing
     + procedure InsertPicture(APicture: TPicture);

09.09.2005 ARExcelReport 1.7 version published.
Main changes:
     + property ShowNullAs (sets how to show NULL in tables).
     + Up to 10 DataPool shapes named "Datapool[n]" where n=0..8.
     ~ fixed parsing of CR&LF in TField.Value and in CustTagValues.
     ~ fixed "RunMacro" processing in DataPool.
     + Simple exe setup.
ARWordReport 1.6 version updated.
     + Delphi 2005 (Win32) package added.
     + Simple exe setup.
24.04.2004 ARExcelReport 1.6 version published.
Main changes:
     + Procedure SaveDsToFile (TField.DisplayLabel used as fields captions, no OLE).
     ~ Fixed long strings writing error in tables.
     ~ Faster templates opening.
     + Property RunMacro (allow <RunMacro:macros_name> tag in Datapool).
     + Charts with constant data range allowed in report.
     + Grouping with PivotTables allowed in report.
     + Property KeepRowHeights.
     ~ Bugs fixed.
10.04.2004 ARWordReport 1.6 version published.
Main changes:
     * Faster templates open.
    + Procedure InsertReport. It allow to make "composite reports" by inserting external reports into template.
    + Procedure CreateEmptyDoc.
     * <RunMacros:macros_name> tag in Datapool.
     * Memo and graphic fields processing.
     * Procedure to put any graphic into report.
     * Code optimized + bugs fixed.
05.11.2003 ARWordReport 1.5 version published.
05.11.2003 ARExcelReport 1.5 version renewed.
07.04.2003 ARExcelReport 1.5 version published.
Main changes:
     * multi-sheet templates.
     * removed an debug mode exception (it was safe but boring).
     * automatic user's national codepage detection, memo fields in tables (first 255 chars), and other minor improvements.
07.04.2003 Two new FAQs added.
20.10.2002 ARWordReport minor bug fixed.
19.10.2002 Site Renewal.
28.09.2002 ARExcelReport 1.3 version published.
28.09.2002 ARWordReport 1.3 version published.




©Anton Ryazanov, 1999-2016